2. Jibril As
3. Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.
↓ ↓
4. Ali bin Abi Thalib 4. Abu Bakar Al-Sidiq
↓ ↓
5. Husain bin Ali 5. Salman al-Farisi
↓ ↓
6. Zainal Abidin 6. Qasim ibn Mhmd bin Abu Bakar
↓ ↓
7. M. Al-Baqir 7. Imam Ja’far al-Shadiq
↓ ↓
8. Ja’far al-Sadiq 8. Abu Yazid al-Bustami
↓ ↓
9. Musa al-Kadhim 9. Abu Hasan Kharqani
↓ ↓
10. Ali ibn Musa al-Ridla 10. Abu Ali Farmadi
↓ ↓
11. Ma’ruf al-Karakhi 11. Syekh Yusuf al-Hamdani
↓ ↓
12. Sirri al-Saqati 12. Abd. Khaliq Guzdawani
↓ ↓
13. Abu Qasim Junaidi al-Bagdadi 13. Arif Riya Qari
↓ ↓
14. Abu Bakar al-Syibli 14. Muhammad Anjiri
↓ ↓
15. Abd. Wahid al-Tamimi 15. Ali Rami Tamimi
↓ ↓
16. Abu al-Faraj al-Turtusi 16. M. Baba Sammasi
↓ ↓
17. Abd. Hasan Ali al-Karakhi 17. Amir Kulali
↓ ↓
18. Abu Sa’id Mubarak al-Majzumi 18. Bah’uddin al-Naqsyabandi
19. Abd. Qadir al-Jailani
20. Abd. Aziz
21. M. Hattaq
22. Syamsuddin
23. Syarifuddin
24. Nuruddin
25. Waliyuddin
26. Hisyamuddin
27. Yahya
28. Abu Bakar
29. Abd. Rahim
30. Usman
31. Abd. Fattah
32. M. Murad (Makkah) ↓
33. Syamsuddin (Makkah)
34. A. Khatib al-Syambasi (w. 1307 / 1878 di Makkah)
35. Syekh Tolhah
36. Syekh Abdullah Mubarok bin Nur Muhammad (Abah Sepuh)
37. Syekh Ahmad Shohibul Wafa Tajul Arifin QS (Pangersa Abah Anom QS)
34. Syekh Ahmad Khatib al Sambas (Pendiri TQN)
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1.Syeh AbdlKarim Banten 1. Syeh Tolhah 1. Syeh A Hasan al Maduri
2.KH Ibrahim al Brumbangi Cirebon 2.KH M Khalil
3.KH Abd Rahman Menur 2. Sy Abdh Mubarok 3.KHM Ramli Tamim
4.KH M Lutfi Hakim 3. Sy Ahmad Shohibul Wafa 4. KH Musta’in Ramli
Mranggen Tajul Arifin 4. KH Maksum Jafar
4.KH Zamroji Paree 5. KH Rifa’i Ramli
4.KH Adlan Ali 6.KH A Dimyati Ramli
4.KH Makky Ma’shum 4.KH Usman al Ishaqi
Cukir Jombang 5.KH M Asrori Usman
Khalifah Syeh Ahmad Khotib Syambas yang lain
IV. Syeh M Ismail Bali
V. Syeh Yasin Kalbar
VI. Syeh H Lampung (Lampung)
VII Syeh M Ma’ruf (Palembang)
VIII.Nuruddin (Sambas)
IX. Syeh M Sa’d (Sambas)
Keterangan :
Pada masa shahabat orang yang diberi ilmu batin oleh Rasulullah saw disebut golongan asroriyah .
1.Untuk tarekat Naqsyabandiyah .
Setelah Abu Bakar ra(4) wafat oreang yang mengamalkan ajarannya disebut dengan golongan Shiddiqiyah. Hal ini berlangsung sampai masa Abu Yazid al Bustomi (8) setelah Abu Yazid wafat samapai Abdul Khaliq (12) disebut golongan Taefuriyah setelah Abdul Kaliq wafat sampai Bahauddin Naqsyabandi(18) disebut golongan Hawa jakiyah, setelah Bahauddin wafat sampai Ubaidillah Ahrori (21) disebut golongan Naqsyabandiyah, setelah Ubaidillah Ahrari wafat sampai A. Faruqi al Shirhindi (24) disebut golongan Naqsyabandiyah Ahrariyah, setelah A.F.Shirhindi wafat (al Mujaddid alf sani) sampai dengan Muh Haqqi al Nazizi (34) disebut Naqsyabandiyah Mujaddidiyah
2 Untuk tarekat Qodiriyah .
Setelah Ali bin Abi Talib (4) wafat golongan yang mengamalkan tarikatnya disebut golongan Alawiyah, Hal ini berlangsung sampai Abu Qosim Junaidi (13), stelah Abu Qosim wafat sampai Abdul Qodir Jaelani (19) tradisi ini disebut Junaidiyah atau Bagdadiyah, Setelah Syekh Abdul Qodir Jaelani wafat sampai Syekh Hotib Sambas (34) disebut tarekat Qodiriyah, dan setelah Syekh Hatib wafat tarekat yang dipegangi murid-muridnya disebut Tarekat Qodiriyan wa Naqsyabandiyah. Selain membahas tentang ajaran-ajaran yang ada, secara khusus teori-teori filsafat yang dijadikan landasan pemikiran dalam penerapan ajaran-ajaran tentang dzikir dan muroqobah.
CATATAN : Syekh AKhmad Khatib Syambas ibn Abdul Ghaffar dlm Kitab Fathul Arifin hy mencantumkan dari Silsilah Thariqat Qodiriyah (Buku:PERAN EDUKASI TQN DENGAN REFERENSI UTAMA SURYALAYA OLEH.DR.HJ.SRIMULYATI,M.A. TERBITAN: KENCANA PRENADA MEDIA GROUP)
Sumber : dokumen arsip Bang Suriyanto AlMaliki (
No. 1708 | February 6, 2008
BalasHapusPalestinian Cleric Issa Badwan: The Mahdi Was Born in Palestine Four Years... Ago; Muslim Conquest of Rome Is Imminent
Following are excerpts from an interview with Palestinian cleric Issa Badwan, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on February 6, 2008.
Issa Badwan: Someone who is well known and whom I trust - there is no need to mention his name - told me that four years ago, when he was driving his car, he saw an old woman, who stopped him and asked him to take her to hospital, so she could pick up her daughter, who had just given birth. He did her a favor and took her there, and waited for an hour at the entrance. The woman came out, with her daughter and grandson, and when they got into the car, the baby started talking, and said: "Peace and Allah's mercy upon you." They greeted him back.
Interviewer: The newborn baby?
Issa Badwan: Yes, the baby. The baby said... This is what the man told me, and we reported this to Sheik Nizar and to the Islamic Scholars Association... The newborn baby said: "I am the man who will be killed [sic] by the Antichrist, who will not rule over anyone again." According to the Prophet's hadith, this man [the Mahdi] would be 18-20 years old. These are good tidings.
Of course, the coming of the Antichrist will be preceded by the conquests of Rome in Italy, and Constantinople, like the Prophet told us. These places will be conquered only by the righteous Mahdi. The Mahdi is from Palestine, as conveyed by Mu'adh bin Jabal, Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas, and Abdullah bin Mas'ud, who were all great imams and scholars.
Interviewer: Is anyone following what�s going on with this child?
Issa Badwan: Yes, now his identity is known, and the brothers follow and take good care of him. I would like to convey to the people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.
people, as well as to the scholars, that these are times of victory, with the grace of Allah, that the promised Mahdi lives among us, that the people of Palestine will be the standard bearers, who will carry this religion forth and spread its guidance and light.